All you want to know about our trip!

We are young. We are travellers. Jestesmy piekny

Monday, June 13, 2011

Family break!

We are a bit more than halfway into our round-the-world trip. We are taking a well-deserved break with our family in Poland.

We will probably take it easy with the blog in the next 2-3 weeks.

After Poland we visit the land of Maradona!

Stay tuned.


  1. Have fun in Poland, guys! Also, Ania, when are you back here? I'm organizing Asia's bachlorette and want you to be here for that! Pls let me know and I will plan accordingly :) Ula

  2. Sparky doodle, Ania doodle, how's it going. Hope you are enjoying a relaxing time with the family. Photos are amazing. Happy Canada Day - Joel and Kelly

  3. P.S > Tell Maradona it was definitely a handball the fat cheating heroin taking git!

  4. Hahahaha!

    I had a meeting with Maradona yesterday and when I told him about this handball thing, he replied "but I was faster them all on the picth!"

    There's your answer: Maradona was better than all you anglos put together.

