All you want to know about our trip!

We are young. We are travellers. Jestesmy piekny

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fun Fact About Marc - My Revenge :-)

1. Marc loves working like a slave for a whole day during his vacation, if the work is related to semi-precious stones. In fact, I'm sure he would gladly spend a couple of weeks in excruciating heat and get blisters on his hands if he could find a handful of sapphires (see pictures below).

2. Marc is always hungry (I already knew that) but, if necessary, he can go on without much food for a long time. However, there two items he cannot live without: (instant) coffee in the morning and bananas morning, afternoon and night! If we don't have one of these two, he gets restless.

3. Marc doesn't care much if our hotel/guesthouse has a flushing toilet but it HAS TO HAVE wi-fi :-) (see point no 4 Marc wrote about me. It's very true)

4. Marc is always ready to eat local food (and we practically always do) but with one exception: he needs a North American breakfast. While traveling in south-east Asia, Marc decided that eating fried rice and noodles for lunch and dinner was enough, he wanted to eat something different in the morning. In fact, while in Hong Kong, he discovered that he had a tender feeling for McDonald’s breakfast menu (I assure you though; he does not eat at McDonald’s after morning hours)

5. Marc might be one of the few people who actually believe in the statistics they cite; it didn't bother him to camp with snakes and spiders and other lovely creatures in Australia but he gets very nervous crossing streets in Bangkok.

6. Marc can talk about economy and politics of every country in the world (or at least he gives that impression). We meet a lot of people from different countries and they are invariably surprised at Marc's knowledge of the places they come from. He talked about Korean history to a Korean girl we met somewhere in Australia and other people around were laughing because he seemed to know more about it than her. When he talked to some people from Israel, he mentioned names of past and present leaders of several political parties. I always knew that Marc knew a lot about North American and European history and that he was interested in politics but I was truly impressed with the extent and depth of his knowledge about soooo many countries on all continents.

7. Marc loves hiking in the mountains. But contrary to what I expected, he is no great fan of jungle trekking. Apparently he feels that it is just walking for the sake of it (no beautiful views) and this is no reward for suffering on a hot and humid track. Obviously tea plantations are not rewarding enough for Marc :-)

8. Marc HATES packing his backpack. And don't ask me how many times I have been assured of that :-)

9. There are two things Marc never seems to get tired to do: walk in the mountains and snorkel. It is practically always me who gives the signal that we've had enough for the day.


  1. I love you two!!! Reading both of your "fun facts" makes me laugh and happy for the day - thank you therefore :D

  2. Bonjour ma chère Hühnschen!

    Glad we make you laugh :)
