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We are young. We are travellers. Jestesmy piekny

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fools! - prima aprilis!

April Fools!!!!

Well, we got you! Who actually believed that Marc got into a fight?:-)

Let's clear this up, shall we?

The post about trekking mafia was partially an April Fools' joke. Everything about guys chasing us on the motorbikes and the argument is true. However, the fight and the part about the police is pure fantasy!

What happened in reality is this: the guys got in front of us and really said that we would be in trouble if we proceeded. We really got into an argument, however there was no physical contact whatsoever.

We found that the situation was so absurd that it was simply asking to be posted on April 1 :-)

And for your information, the trekking mafia is a fact and everybody around knows about it. I would have loved to climb some mountains in Indonesia, but I simply refuse to reinforce this unjust system.


  1. The situation was surreal. I had a big argument with the "guide" who kept on saying that he is from the government. He showed me rubbish papers and said that the policeman who told us that we do not need a guide was wrong. Of course he was bullshitting me, I knew it and he knew that I knew it, and the verbal argument escalated. We could have kept on going, but I am 100% sure that the goon and his friends would have smashed our scooters while we were going up the volcano.

  2. Oh you guys.. that's NOT nice ; )
    I'm in the last week of my thesis (finally ; ) and don't care about dates! I didn't even know it was the first of april ; )

    Glad to be fooled :D

  3. Hahaha, you totally got me! :) I told this story to Marc (almost running out of breath for how scary it was) and he too, was absolutely shocked!! We decided never to go to Indonesia right then and there. And we are still a bit shocked now but chances are we might change out minds.

  4. Hahaha!

    Overall people in Bali tend to like $$$ a bit too much for my liking. As I said the people on Java are totally different. You should definitely visit Indonesia and Java in particular. A word of caution though: you'll be like huge rock stars and you'll have your picture taken 150 times in a day. Definitely good for the ego plus the people on Java are genuinely interested in talking to you (no strings attached like buy this or that at the end of the conversation).

  5. HAHA! This was very good!!!!!!!!!!!
