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We are young. We are travellers. Jestesmy piekny

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Those dangerous clementines

The card read : “Do you bring any food with you to the United States?”

Well I have a few clementines, but these will be in my stomach while we wait for the plane. So I check “no”.

Big mistake.

The U.S. Custom Agent asks me the same question. I tell her that I have a few clementines in my bag and that I do not intend to bring those to the U.S.

She tells us that we have to go through these revolving doors for a “secondary search”. Ania is angry at me. She had told me to get rid of those before we reach U.S Customs agents.

It is 9:15 AM and our plane leaves in 45 minutes. We all know that these “searches” can last an eternity if conducted by a jittery agent.

Thank God the fellow at the “Agriculture Department” booth where we are sent is not a zealot. He simply asks us for the clementines and drops them in a bin. Phew!

Two lessons for me here:

1 – Don’t underestimate the threat represented by clementines. In the hands of Evil Doers, the can become a national security issue.

2 – Listen to Ania. :)

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